Ready to be scared senseless? Well here you go: According to the vast knowledge of the tech almighty Google, the average first Internet porn exposure happens at age 11, and “sex” is in the top five search terms used by boys and girls from under the age of 7 up through 18. Wow. Right? So […]
Steven Ing tells us a story of a violent father who could've stolen Steven's legacy, but in a twist of teenage stubbornness, Steven stole it back for himself.
While many of us think of the F word as something we should avoid in everyday conversation, I disagree. In fact, “feminism” — the new F word — is the cornerstone of modern relationships.
You’ve undoubtedly heard of the public health campaign that warned “Don’t Drink and Drive” or “Friends Don’t Let Friends Drive Drunk,” right? Well I’m proposing a similar campaign.
Fact: your children are sexual beings (scary thought, I know). We’re totally comfortable guiding them in pursuits as they pertain to school, work, athletics, friendships, hobbies and any other aspect of their lives, but the minute it relates to sexuality, we freeze up. Unfortunately, we can’t just ignore that piece of them. Read More