Did you hear about the Nashville Statement? If not, you’re lucky. If you did, you’ll likely recall it as a sweeping 14-Article manifesto that pretty much placed every member of society who does NOT fall into Camp Evangelical into Camp You’re Going to Hell.
While many of us think of the F word as something we should avoid in everyday conversation, I disagree. In fact, “feminism” — the new F word — is the cornerstone of modern relationships.
We are a country of inclusiveness, as is evident by our very name: The United States of America. How we treat transgender soldiers should be no different.
You’ve undoubtedly heard of the public health campaign that warned “Don’t Drink and Drive” or “Friends Don’t Let Friends Drive Drunk,” right? Well I’m proposing a similar campaign.
For Millennia, religious doctrine has been telling us “thou shalt not” when it comes to sexuality, instead of prescribing healthy ways that sexuality and spirituality can coexist.